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Spanish Immersion


Imagine your child having the ability to speak more than just one language! While the United States lags behind other countries in teaching this invaluable skill, Redlands Christian School is at the forefront of immersion-based language instruction. This program is a unique option for students who want to become proficient in Spanish. One hundred percent of the grade-level content that is taught within the classroom is in Spanish. Once students reach 3rd grade, they receive some English instruction within the classroom.
Research indicates that learning a second language at an early age allows for greater native language competency and academic success. The goal of the immersion program is to produce bilingual students who are high academic achievers, proficient in Spanish, and both knowledgeable and appreciative of other Spanish-speaking cultures. An additional goal of the program at RCS is to see students develop their ability to share and receive Christ-like love with and from speakers of other languages.
We are committed to immersion at Redlands Christian School. As immersion students grow up and move onto a new grade, our program will grow with it.

Immersion Program Overview